
The whole Meredith community is encouraged to embrace physical wellness. To support physical wellness, you should

  • Engage in regular physical activity
  • Exercise portion control and healthy eating
  • Take measures to reduce stress and sleep well

Active Living

There are a number of on-campus facilities and programs for students that promote physical wellness and healthy behaviors, including

Fitness Center

The on-campus Lowery Fitness Center offers fitness equipment, exercise classes and student trainers to help get you in tip-top shape.

Health Center

The on-campus health center provides services to students when they aren’t feeling their best.


The Capital Area Greenway System runs through Meredith’s campus. It’s a network of public open spaces and recreational trails for walking, hiking, biking, nature study, and more. 

Move More, Meredith

Move More, Meredith is a network of routes around campus that are ideal for walking or jogging. 

Healthy Eating

Resources students may use to learn about and practice healthy eating.

Contact Information
Mary Johnson
110 Student Health and Wellness Center