

Learman Speaks on Social Work Podcast

Joy Learman, assistant professor and social work program director, was a recent guest and presenter on a podcast series inSocialWork® produced by the School of Social Work – University at Buffalo. Learman spoke on “.” In her episode she explained that domestic violence, power, and control are cross-cultural concepts, helping listeners understand the link between gender-based violence and HIV infection.

The episode was downloaded more than 1,800 times in the first week, nearly doubling the average number of downloads.

Learman’s research explores the role of gender-based violence and inequality of women’s sexual and reproductive health. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, and she has presented at a number of conferences at the international, national, and regional levels. She received her doctorate of philosophy in social work from The University of Texas at Austin and her master of science in social work from Columbia University.

Melyssa Allen

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