


The purpose of an emergency shelter-in-place alert on campus is to limit human exposure to an apparent life-threatening, hostile or hazardous situation. A shelter-in-place alert is necessary in situations where there is reason to believe that exiting a sheltered area will expose individuals to greater danger than remaining in place.


The primary authority to initiate a shelter-in-place order will be Campus Police. Should the situation warrant it, all faculty and staff have the authority to initiate an emergency shelter-in-place alert.

Situations where an emergency shelter-in-place order may be warranted include, but are not limited to:

A. observing an armed intruder or shooter,

B. a serious crime being committed in close proximity to campus, or

C. any situation where exposure to outside hazards may endanger staff, faculty, students and/or visitors.

Anyone observing any one of these situations should immediately call Campus Police at (919) 760-8888 and be prepared to answer detailed questions to describe the location and description of the perpetrator or event. (See Initial Action/Reporting Procedures below.)


The Meredith Campus Community will be notified through MC Alert, our campus emergency notification system. In addition, individuals may be told by Campus Police personnel and/or Staff to go into lockdown, and encounter security personnel making their “lockdown rounds.” However, Campus Police personnel will be performing critical duties, locking buildings and communicating with other law enforcement agencies during the lockdown and may not be able to stop and provide individual directions. Therefore, it is important to know and follow the steps listed below. Should circumstances prevent the “Lockdown” of a particular building, the Campus Police personnel will take appropriate steps to secure the building.

Initial Action/Reporting Procedures:

When an intruder on campus is actively causing deadly harm or the threat of imminent deadly harm to people, you must immediately seek cover and call or contact Vlog Campus Police at (919) 760-8888 (extension 8888, from any campus phone). Give as many details as possible relative to location, number of assailants, means of aggression, and other pertinent information.

General instructions for individuals on campus during an emergency lockdown:

  • Remain calm.
  • Do not sound the fire alarm to evacuate the building. People may be placed in harm’s way when they are attempting to evacuate the building. If a fire alarm does go off during a lockdown, do not evacuate unless you smell smoke.
  • Do not gather in open areas or hallways. These ARE NOT areas of shelter.
  • Stay away from windows and doors.
  • Do not leave until police or security contact you to confirm it is safe; follow instructions from police or security.

Shelter-in-Place alerts may be used in the following situations:

Active Shooter, Serious Crime Occurring or Committed in Close Proximity to Campus:

Specific instructions will be based upon the crime or incident that is or has recently occurred. Individuals should follow instructions given by Campus Police or through MC Alert.Every person facing a dangerous situation must be prepared to take direct responsibility for his or her own personal safety and security.What to do in case of an active shooter or other violent situation occurs.

Hazardous Materials Incident:In case of a hazardous waste spill, the campus community may be asked to shelter-in-place. Specific instructions or containment procedures are to be given via MC Alert based upon the specific hazardous materials-related incident that has occurred or is actively occurring.

Contact Information
Ann Gleason, chair of Meredith’s Incident Response Team
(919) 760-8521