


  • Contact Campus Police by dialing 8888 from a campus phone or (919) 760-8888 from any other phone.
  • Fire: Evacuate to an assembly area.Ìý
  • Explosion: (1) Take cover (2) Assist the injured (3) Evacuate to an assembly area.
  • If you are aware of individuals who are not able to evacuate independently, alert emergency personnel.


Evacuation Procedures

  • Maintain a way to exit the room.
  • Stay low. Avoid smoke and fumes.
  • Once outside, move to an Evacuation Assembly Point.
  • Campus Police and the Fire Department will respond to the scene.


Small Fire Procedures

  • Avoid personal injury and excessive risks.
  • Alert people in the immediate area and activate the alarm.
  • Call Campus Police at 919-760-8888.
  • Smother fire or use nearest fire extinguisher.


Operating a Fire Extinguisher

  • Pull the pin.
  • Aim extinguisher hose at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the lever.
  • Sweep from side to side.
  • What to Do If You Are Unable to Evacuate
  • Place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc.) outside a window as a marker for rescue crews.
  • If there is no window, stay near the floor.
  • Shout at regular intervals to alert rescue crews of your location.
  • Do not panic.
  • If the door is warm, do not open it.
  • If smoke is entering through cracks around the door, stuff something in the cracks to slow the flow.
  • If you are unable to evacuate the building, ask others near you to notify emergency personnel. Call Campus Police at 919-760-8888 or dial 911 to notify them of your location and need for evacuation. Wait for assistance.
  • If you are on an upper level of the building and unable to evacuate, make your way to the safest stairwell and wait for emergency personnel. If the path is unsafe to get to the stairwell report to a room with a window and signal for help. Call Campus Police at 919-760-8888 or dial 911 to notify them of your location and need for evacuation. Wait for assistance.

Contact Information
Ann Gleason, chair of Meredith’s Incident Response Team
(919) 760-8521