Jeff Waller in red button up shirt wearing glasses

Jeffrey Waller

Interim Co-Dean, Library Information Services; Head of Research and Instruction, Carlyle Campbell Library

109 Carlyle Campbell Library

(919) 760-8382


Mr. Waller has directed the library’s information literacy instruction program since arriving at Meredith in 2014.  As the head of the research and instruction department, he also oversees the library’s reference services and assessment initiatives.  Mr. Waller also serves as liaison librarian to several academic departments, and spearheads the library’s outreach efforts across campus.  Prior to joining Meredith, he was the head of reference and instructional services at the Saint Anselm College library, and also had a previous career as an economic consultant to the energy industry.  In 2024, Mr. Waller was named the library’s Interim Co-Dean along with his colleague Carrie Nichols.

Academic Credentials

M.L.S., Library Science, Indiana University
M.A., Economics, Yale University
B.S., Economics and Mathematics, University of Kansas


Laura Harrill Presidential Award for contributions to the college, 2019

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Human Resources
1st Floor Park Center
(919) 760-8898
(919) 760-8164