Frances Jennings-Teter

Frances Jennings Teter, ’83

Board of Trustees

President Office 2nd Floor, Johnson Hall

(919) 760-8511


Fran Teter graduated from Meredith in 1983 with Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees. She volunteered for Meredith as a Class Gift Agent from 2009-13. In addition to serving several terms as a trustee at the College, Teter also served on the committee for Beyond Strong-The Campaign for Meredith.  She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Biscuitville, Inc, a family business based in Greensboro, NC.

At her home in Charlotte, NC, Teter is a member of the  Historical Book Club.  She is on the Roaring Gap Church Board and directs the music ministry there.

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Human Resources
1st Floor Park Center
(919) 760-8898
(919) 760-8164