
Are you interested in: 

  • Business
  • Music
  • Performing
  • Composing
  • Creative expression
  • Teaching

The music major is designed for the student who wishes to enhance her music skills, training, and experiences in order to use music to uplift the communities in which she lives. She will do so as a consummate professional in the studio or classroom, as a director and conductor of ensembles, as a performer, a composer, or an enthusiastic supporter of the arts in her community. A student who chooses to major in music will be prepared to teach, perform, direct, or serve within her field of study; or she may become a leader in a different field, applying the disciplines she has acquired to master its challenges.

Types of jobs:

  • Private studio teacher
  • Nonprofit arts agency
  • Arts critic
  • Perform in small ensembles, musical theatre
  • Concert soloist
  • Church musician
  • Community choral groups
  • Music librarian
  • Opera companies
  • Musical theaters
  • Recording industry
  • Radio, television, and motion picture industries
  • Create websites for professional musicians
  • Military bands
  • Marching band drill writer
  • Music Therapist
  • Musicologist
  • Church Musician/ Music Ministry
  • Vocologist/ Speech Pathologist

Attend graduate school for:

  • Masters programs in all performance areas, as well as music history, music theory, conducting, composition, jazz studies
  • Master/certificate programs in music therapy
  • Ph.D. and D.M.A. in the areas above
  • Voice therapist

Options for the major:

  • B.M. in Music Education
  • B. M. in Performance
  • B.A. in Music
  • Double major or minor in any additional related area of interest such as psychology, business, or arts management.
  • Experiential opportunities
    • Intern with North Carolina Opera
    • Be a concert reviewer for Classical Voice of North Carolina
    • Be a recruitment blogger for the music department
    • Attend meetings of the Raleigh Piano Teachers
    • Audition for the Concerto/Aria Concert
    • Compete in National Association of Teachers of Singing auditions
    • Participate in summer music festivals
    • Be a member of the Raleigh Symphony Orchestra

Professional associations:

  • National Association for Music Education (NAfME) 
  • National Association of Teachers of Singing 
  • Classical Voice of North Carolina 
  • American String Teachers Association 
  • Music Therapy Association 
  • North Carolina Music Teachers Association 
  • American Choral Directors Association 
  • Membership in Music Teachers National Association 

Career outlook:

Additional information:

Meredith’s music major »